Effects of Temperature on Development, Longevity and Reproduction of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae)
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The soybean aphid, AphisgijcinesMATsuMuRA, is distributedin tropical and subtropical regions such as SoutheastAsia and partsof Africaas wcll as temperate zones such as nomhern China andJapzn CWANG et al., 1962; KoBAyAsHI et al., 1972; SINGH and van EMDEN, 1979; HILL, 1987; HIRANo and Ftull,1993), A. glycinesisan important pestof the soybean plant CWANGct al., 1962; KoGAN und TuRN]?sEEn, 1987), causing not only dircctdamagc by feeding but also indircctdamage from itsheavy secretion of honcydew on the plants,which scrvcs as a growing medium forsoety mold fungus.A. glyct'nes isalso an important vector ot' viraldiseasesCIwAKI,1979;TAKAHAsHI et aL, 1980). Although A.glycineshaslongbcenknown as a soybean pest,fewstudics have beencarried out on the mechanism involvedinitspopulation flu¢ tuations. It isncccssary to clarify thc demographicparameters and ecological characteristics ofA. gipcines as a first step toward undcrstanding the populationdynamics of thisspecies. The presentrcport fbcuseson the dcvclopmental thresholds and ratcs, intrinsicrates of incrcasc,and other pertinentdemographic parametcrs forA.glycines
Originating text in English.
Citation: Hirano, Kohji, Honda, Ken-Ichiro, Miyai, Shun'Ichi. (1996). Effects of Temperature on Development, Longevity and Reproduction of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology and Zoology [Japan], 31(1), 178-180.
Originating text in English.
Citation: Hirano, Kohji, Honda, Ken-Ichiro, Miyai, Shun'Ichi. (1996). Effects of Temperature on Development, Longevity and Reproduction of the Soybean Aphid, Aphis glycines (Homoptera: Aphididae). Applied Entomology and Zoology [Japan], 31(1), 178-180.
Aphis glycines, Developmental time, Developmental zero, Fecundity, Intrinsic rate of increase