History Faculty Research and Publications

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Medicine and Public Health in Latin America: A History
    McCrea, Heather L.; hmccrea; McCrea, Heather L.
    Over the past three to four decades historical works focused on health and medicine in Latin America and the Caribbean have burgeoned into a rich body of scholarship. Scholars delve into a myriad of subjects using medicine and health as lenses through which structural, material, and human experiences with inequality can be analyzed across race, ethnic, gender, and economic lines. To date, much of the historical inquiry on medicine and public health in Latin America and the Caribbean has concentrated on uncovering the powerful relationships forged between medical elites, scientists, statesmen, and laypersons. In this vein, the history of Latin America and the Caribbean is situated within an interconnected globe where germs know no boundaries and disease vectors shape and reshape military campaigns and occupations, hygiene and sanitation trends, and household customs. Within this world, historical narratives and actors assume a more complex and nuanced form through scholarship that probes into the dark recesses of human suffering and the valiant (and sometimes not so altruistic) efforts of medical professionals and statesmen to launch public health campaigns to curb disease and contain contagion. Pioneering works by David Nobel Cook (1998), Alfred W. Crosby (1972), Elinor G. K. Melville (1997), and Nancy Leys Stepan (1996) laid the methodological groundwork for understanding the mechanisms that created human differences. Others have sought to tell a story about war, revolution, and social upheaval by focusing on a particular disease epidemic or public health campaign.
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    The Notion of Authority (A Brief Presentation)
    Brandom, Eric; ebrandom
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    Story of Six Rivers: History, Culture and Ecology
    Sherow, James E.; jsherow
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    Conquer and govern: early Chinese military texts from the Yi Zhou shu by Robin McNeal [Book review]
    (2014-03-17) Graff, David A.; dgraff
    Review of Conquer and Govern: Early Chinese Military Texts from the Yi Zhou shu. By Robin McNeal. (Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2012. Pp. viii, 246. $48.00.)
  • ItemOpen Access
    Rosvooruzhenie and Russia's return to the world arms market
    (Institute on East Central Europe, Columbia University, 2012-12-20) Stone, David R.; stone; Micgiel, John S.
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    Misreading Svechin: attrition, annihilation, and historicism
    (2012-11-21) Stone, David R.; stone
    Soviet military theorist Aleksandr Svechin is often misperceived as an advocate of strategies of attrition over destruction or annihilation. In fact, Svechin was an historicist, who saw the precise balance between attrition and annihilation, or defense and offense, as constantly shifting as a result of changing material circumstances. A close examination of his theoretical and historical works reveals the depth of his thinking, while his response to Russia’s 1916 Brusilov Offensive shows his support for ambitious strategies of annihilation under the proper circumstances.
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  • ItemOpen Access
    CMEA’s International Investment Bank and the crisis of developed socialism
    (2012-08-03) Stone, David R.; stone
    In 1971 the Soviet bloc's Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (CMEA) created the International Investment Bank (IIB). The IIB was part of a broader effort to adopt market-based reforms in all the East-bloc economies. The bank was designed to promote competition for loans and rigorous vetting of projects, ostensibly resulting in greater CMEA integration and production that met world standards of quality. But this scenario ultimately did not pan out. Instead, the IIB became a mere conduit for Western finance, focusing not on high technology but on natural resource extraction, particularly the construction of the Soyuz natural gas pipeline. More fundamentally, the IIB could not function properly without market-determined prices and convertible currencies. Although economic authorities in the Soviet bloc fully recognized the constraints on the IIB, they were unwilling to abandon fundamental principles of the Soviet economic system.
  • ItemOpen Access
    "Kick That Population Commission in the Ass": The Nixon Administration, the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, and the Defusing of the Population Bomb
    (2011-02-22) Hoff, Derek S.; dhoff
    The article explores the population policies of the administration of U.S. President Richard M. Nixon, especially those espoused by the U.S. Congress' Commission on Population Growth and the American Future chaired by philanthropist and Malthusian John D. Rockefeller III. It considers the influence of the 1798 publication "Essay on Human Population," by Thomas Malthus, and the book "The Population Bomb," by Paul Ehrlich, on popular perceptions on the relationship between population growth and natural resources. Other subjects considered include U.S. Cold War policies towards population and foreign aid, American beliefs about communism and population, and laissez-faire economics.