Marjorie J. and Richard L.D. Morse Family and Community Public Policy Scholarship

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The Morse Scholarship has been award annually since 2001. It is made possible through an endowment established by Marjorie J. and Dr. Richard L.D. Morse, which awards $3000 to support summer projects and internships which impact public policy and community service.


Recent Submissions

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    Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Action Plan: Systems Plan Addendum
    (City of Manhattan, Kansas, 2022-09) Saia, Nick
    The original Bicycle and Pedestrian Systems Plan (BPSP), published in February of 2020, identifies a comprehensive set of improvements necessary to a community where walking and biking are safe, enjoyable, comfortable, and dignified. In the long-term, it will provide a unified and thorough framework for transportation and recreation.
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    Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity’s Women Build Project – Rebuilding a community one person and one home at a time.
    (2019-11) Hathaway, Alec
    In May 2019, the Morse Family Scholarship aided me in spearheading Manhattans first-ever Women Build – a community-inclusive event designed to garner community support, specifically women, for the restoration of Habitat homes throughout the Manhattan area. Sixty women volunteers gathered over four days across Manhattan to partake in Women Build restoration activities. This project was mutually beneficial for the Manhattan community and organization due to the lack of women volunteers on Habitats construction sites. This lapse comes from women not feeling comfortable taking on male-dominated roles. Statistically speaking, women only constitute 9% of all construction-related jobs and projects within the United States (Women in the labor force: a databook, 2018). We wanted the Women Build project to help women in our community feel more comfortable with their hands-on abilities by breaking the stigma that women are incapable of occupying spaces in male-dominated roles. The Women Build project was also a great catalyst to disseminate information and raise awareness about Manhattan Area Habitat for Humanity’s mission and purpose within this community.
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    Garden to Table: A Head Start Adventure
    (2021-07) Cunningham, Alissa
    Every summer I work solo in my position as a chef supervisor for the Northland Head Start. Classes are reduced from ten rooms and a maximum of 170 students to two rooms and a maximum of 34 students. Head Start is a program that prepares children ranging from infant to pre-school age to enter school, and specifically serves low-income families. The Northland Head Start is host to children that are three to five years old. Upon returning from several months of a shut-down in March 2020, due to Covid, classes were able to safely resume in July of 2020. Class sizes were limited, and social distancing was enforced. I began to brainstorm how I could help brighten the days of these kids who were experiencing a whole new norm. Additionally, I saw the need for healthy eating education. These were the days of produce boxes being placed into trunks as the world tried to figure out how to help mass amounts of people who were unemployed or struggling to feed their families. I remembered a small bag-style garden on folding legs that the teachers had tried to use a few years before. I dug it out of storage and utilized my neighborhood social media platform to ask for donations of soil. I set it up in the playground and used seeds I had on hand as well as those donated from fellow staff members. We were quickly rewarded with lettuce and basil that were used in school lunches, and later a few rainbow carrots that were passed around for exploration. I witnessed the pure eagerness of the children seeing the tiny plants emerge from the soil and then trying the end product. That is when I knew I had to do something bigger. I began to research raised garden beds that would be suitable for our playground, along with a source for soil and water. My goal for this project was to see if I could increase vegetable consumption in the classroom during meals. I also wanted to increase awareness of the garden system and to see if it could serve as a learning medium.
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    Renters Together – A Critical Reflection of an Immersive Community Organizing Experience in Rural, Midwest America
    (2018-11-07) Bouzianis, Nicholas A.; bouziani
    Manhattan, Kansas has a housing problem -- inflated housing prices threaten the livelihoods of its economically vulnerable residents. An intractable problem such as this demands creative solutions. In the summer of 2018, the Marjorie J. and Richard L.D. Morse Family and Community Public Policy Scholarship sponsored my project to do just that. Working with a team of local community members, I experimented with a grassroots community organizing strategy that was designed to create, within the community, the political will to solve the problem. Integral to this strategy was the implementation of canvassing and targeted story-telling. The project took a left turn late in its course, but from this experience, I gleaned valuable lessons that apply to future community organizing projects of this nature.
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    Kansas Youth Water Advocates Conference Report
    Bohnenblust, Katelyn; kbohnen; Bohnenblust, Katelyn
    Kansas is a state in need of more water conservation and education efforts. A team of several state agencies developed the Long-Term Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas, addressing the issue of water depletion in our state. The vision includes a mission, goals, and action items, with one of them being the need for education and outreach. The Education and Public Outreach Supplement of the Vision specifically states, “Increase awareness and knowledge of Kansas youth on water-related issues through K-12 education and beyond-the-classroom opportunities” and “Develop partnerships between industry, community, and educational institutions that will promote and train for water-related careers.” Action items directly stated in the supplement include, “Collaborate with youth-related organization leadership on water-related educational opportunities and establish sessions and experiences focused on water” and “Develop workshops and professional developments based on information found in KDA Agriculture Workforce Needs Assessment and state meetings.” Kansas Youth Water Advocates Conference worked to meet the need addressed in the Long-Term Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas. The Vision for the Future of Water Supply in Kansas (Vision) validated the need of a youth water education conference. This conference sought to train a group of highly motivated high school agricultural education students to disseminate key information about water use and conservation efforts to communities across the State. Students who attended the conference became experts on water issues affecting the state and will help educate their communities about how they can help conserve and protect our water resources. I partnered with Dr. Gaea Hock of Kansas State University and Susan Metzger of the Kansas Department of Agriculture to coordinate this conference this summer and will continue to serve as the undergraduate mentor for the high school students over the entire year. My duties included assisting with writing conference curriculum, conference planning, activities, logistics, coordinating with the program manager to secure expert speakers, and recruiting program participants. The Kansas Department of Agriculture, surrounding states, and high school agricultural education teachers are all tracking the implementation and success of this training. Investing in young adults who will become the next generation of experts on water issues affecting the state is crucial because water and the Kansas economy are directly linked. According to the KDA, the Ogallala aquifer adds $7 billion to the western Kansas economy. The ability to maintain irrigated agriculture and livestock production in western Kansas is directly linked to a community’s ability to maintain its schools, hospital, and other critical quality of life elements. These youth will help educate their communities about how they can help conserve and protect our water resources so that the livelihood of Kansas families does not deteriorate.
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    Internship report: civic education In Ghana
    May, Madison; m3075651
    This summer, I was employed by the National Commission for Civic Education in Agona Swedru, Ghana. The creation of the NCCE was written into the Constitution of Ghana, with the primary purpose of educating and encouraging the public to defend this Constitution at all times, against all forms of abuse and violation. I chose to work for the NCCE in Ghana this summer because it is considered a model for successful and stable democratic transition. Many other African countries’ transition to democracy has ended with corrupt elections and violence. Furthermore, 2016 is a presidential election year for Ghana, which is when the NCCE is responsible for public education to sensitize electorates about the voting procedure and their conduct before, during and after presidential and public elections. My primary responsibility was educating rural communities about democracy and voting procedure. I did this by hosting community forums and giving informal presentations at churches and schools. In addition, I was shadowing an Assemblyman of the Gomoa East District and sitting in on Assembly meetings. When not involved in either of these, I was tutoring English at elementary schools and coaching soccer for young girls, with the goal of promoting confidence. My independent project for this summer was a research project for the K-State University Honors Program. I completed a Ghana Case Study to look at the connection between religion and democracy, and how religious attitudes shape political attitudes and participation. Ghana is 71% Christian, 17.6% Muslim, and 5.2% Traditional Ghanaian religion. I implemented a plan to interview Ghanaians from each of the predominant faiths. Upon my return to K-State, I hope to use my experience to promote religious diversity and tolerance on campus. I hope to continue to build this research project to uncover patterns between civic participation in government, government stability, and religion. If progress can be made toward uncovering the source of Ghana’s transitional success, then that knowledge can be applied to other countries facing similar circumstances.
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    Truth-in-voting: election reform and Manhattan community
    Romanova, Kate
    This report is the result of a research on voting technological innovations and regulations, which are required by the Help America Vote Act of 2002. It looks into HAVA activities and implements in various states and particular in Riley County, Kansas. It analyzes the impact of DREs on voting activities and Manhattan community.
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    Family financial behaviors
    Britt, Sonya L.
    The purpose of the survey was to see if any relation between relationship wellness and financial wellness existed. Knowing what, if any, interrelationship exists between relationship satisfaction and financial behaviors is necessary in order to aid the progress of relationship and financial counseling. Anticipated outcomes of the survey included discovering where people seek help and its perceived helpfulness, so that helping professionals will be able to target those places people see as most useful. A goal from this stage in my goal process was to determine how one’s personality affects his or her money management style. Unfortunately, no significant findings were found through the process of analyzing the results of the survey.
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    Using Native American games to encourage physical activity in children
    Litfin-Salt, Miriam
    In response to public health reports pertaining to increasing rates of childhood obesity, the original intent of this project was to compare historical trends in toy purchases to current toy purchases. It was expected that choices would lean towards more sedentary games with present day purchases. The reasons for following a different line of study will be explained in detail at a later point. The internship portion of the project involved coordinating with the Northview Elementary School’s summer school session. Their summer school curriculum focused on Native American culture. I collected information pertaining to traditional Native American games, then gathered natural and recycled material to make usable reproductions of some Native American toys. First I gave a small presentation to the whole group about how each style of toy was used and then the box of toys was made available to the children at recess. They could choose what toys they wanted to play with at will. I made arrangements to accompany them to recess twice a week.
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    Public administration challenges of the sanitary and phytosanitary agreement's notification provision
    Cash, John (John A.)
    The WTO committee on the Trade and Development looks at developing countries’ special needs and provides assistance for agreement implementation, technical cooperation and increased participation in the global trading system. Technical assistance is provided to assist developing countries as they adjust to WTO rules and disciplines. Technical assistance often includes support to help build a country’s public-administration infrastructure so that it can better carry out WTO work, handle disputes, and implement trade standards. This paper focuses on the public-administration challenges associated with a particular provision of a particular WTO trade agreement and highlights the need for continued technical assistance for developing countries.
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    The Adoption and Safe Families Act: a qualitative analysis of daily practice
    Burch, Jessica M.
    Since the 1997 passage of the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA), which mandates timetables for child welfare cases, researchers have reviewed the aggregate levels effects of ASFA without considering daily practice of front-line workers. This research details interviews with 13 child welfare professionals, who discussed the pros and cons of ASFA. Most respondents like ASFA’s expectations for permanency, but disliked ASFA’s application to juvenile offenders, the amount of time required to comply with ASFA and the standardization of cases. Based upon these concerns, research presents three policy recommendations.
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    Advancing health care information system for enhanced sharing: project report
    Krishnasamy, Jayasri
    During Summer 2003, I worked as an intern at the Community Health Council, a not-for-profit health information organization serving the health care system of northeastern Kansas. Their current major goal is to help health care providers share vital information. This is made possible by creating automated information warehouses and mining systems, and having the providers use that system. This exercise will also ensure the creation of secured systems that comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
  • ItemUnknown
    The intergenerational creative arts project
    Sellers, Debra M., 1967-
    The Intergenerational Creative Arts Project attempted to address these long-standing and in today’s world, even more complex concerns. The goals of the project were to begin to change perception, attitudes, and policy towards marginalized elders and to ensure their inclusion in the community life through the development of a family-based program within the long term care setting. the Intergeneration Creative Arts Project utilized the three modalities of drama therapy, animal assisted therapy, and intergenerational programming to assist elders to become contributing members of the community, to develop meaningful relationships among generations, and to establish the long term care facility as a thriving, community-based organization through outreach to elders’ families and friends. This paper describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of the project.
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    Client feedback program
    Kelley, Sharit Melissa
    This project represents a three-part program aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of a Marriage and Family Therapy training clinic. This report begins with a review of literature and research regarding established response measures. The research component will also address the importance of self-report by clientele and the issue of early termination of the therapeutic process. A combined faculty and staff effort will establish a means of gaining immediate client feedback regarding the treatment program. Suggestions will be made as far as the implementation of the response policy. As implemented, the therapist or therapist team might amend and adjust the treatment plan to better suit the needs, desires and comfort levels of the client unit.
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    Open World Cause : Morse summer project
    Wilkinson, Garrett
    Our research piece was composed of demographic questionnaires, community interviewing, and conversations with Govinda Panthy, conducted for the purpose of gathering information on local social, economic, historical, and political contexts. I created our demographic questionnaire from a previous survey administered by Nepal’s Ministry of Health (funded by USAID). What follows are a few of our notable findings from the questionnaire. We found that approximately half (or more) of the students at the school suffered from waterborne disease on a regular basis during the monsoon season. The most common source of water was from unprotected wells and, in the dry season, open bodies of water. We learned that the local health post had rehydration therapy solutions available for those with diarrhea. We also learned that either due to pesticides or genetically modified crops, poorer families no longer had to go hungry due to bad yields. In the past five years, all families have gained access to a personal toilet, and most families now wash their hands. Very few families had bank accounts or financial savings, and about the same number of adults had finished high school. However, we found that younger generations were increasingly more likely to stay in school for longer periods of time. Our community interviewing consisted of open-ended questions that also allowed for the collection of qualitative data. An example of insights gained from this is that every single low-income family wanted school lunches provided to their children at school (something that isn’t always common in the area). In fact, we found that some of the poorer students were embarrassed to eat their packed lunches in front of other students because they were aware that their food was of lower quality. Because of this knowledge, the school, Tripur Kinder Academy, now has a school lunch program. All students eat the same food and have access to fruits and vegetables. The conversations we had with Govinda Panthy, the school director, yielded insights that have become crucial to the efficacy of our partnership with him and his staff. Many cross-cultural misunderstandings have been cleared away, and both parties have a better understanding of one another now that we have lived together for a summer.
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    CommunityCORE: bookmobile and lunchbox : an exercise in rural engagement
    Allen, Zev A.
    A relative of mine always used to say, "God gave people hands, so that they can help themselves." While that statement was made with the intent of instilling a sense of work ethic in a formative child, it also charged me with the eye to see and wonder why some never seemed able to help themselves. As time went on I began to understand that we are more affected by the situations that we are born into than the opportunities that we create for ourselves. It was with this realization that I could fully appreciate the situation and contribution that all persons are capable of, given the proper chance. Bookmobile and Lunchbox seek to nurture the life-chances of rural northern Jackson County, and unearth the potential of its citizenry. It is with this in mind that I revise the phrase to, "God gave people hands, so that they can lend them to a neighbor."
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    CommunityCORE: a case study and reflection on community development in rural, northeast Kansas
    Allen, Ross M.
    A local minister has purchased the building once used to house the Soldier High School gym prior to its closure in 1970. He is currently in the process of clearing the overgrown and garbage strewn grounds where the building sits and will then begin an effort to revitalize the building and refurbish the interior, converting it into a community development center. The intent of this internship was to join in his efforts and not only assist him in the physical renovation of the dilapidated building (a formidable task in and of itself) but also formalize an existing community alliance called Community CORE into a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with a mission to revitalize the community that this center is meant to serve.
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    Know it & grow it!: empowering and educating youth in Wilson, Kansas through gardening
    Ford, Sophia
    In April 2013, Wilson, KS PRIDE received a grant from Kansas Community Gardens and K-State Research and Extension to fund the Wilson community garden. The garden consists of 9 plots in an area 45' x 90'. Two of the plots are devoted to youth education. My project goal was to educate youth of Wilson, Kansas about nutrition, basic biology and environmental quality through gardening. I grew up in Wilson, a rural agricultural community in central Kansas with a population of around 800, and saw this as an opportunity to give back to my community from what I learned from college at Kansas State University. While in Wilson, I assisted in the implementation of the garden, executed educational lessons for the youth of Wilson and worked with community members and Wilson schools to sustain the garden for future generations to enjoy.
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    Finding my passion: a compilation of an internship for the Arc of Sedgwick County
    Frantz, Courtney
    The most valuable jobs are the ones that not only teach transferrable professional skills such as working within a budget or scheduling meetings, but that also spark a passion that is carried with you for the rest of your life. The Arc of Sedgwick County is one of those rare jobs. I worked in the YESS program which stands from Youth Education and Socialization Skills. For a more comprehensive summary, it is a summer day camp for youth with special needs focusing on educational aspects in the morning and community integration in the afternoon. In addition to YESS, I also got to work with the Circle of Friends program which is a social inclusion initiative in schools throughout the Wichita community. Both of these programs are unique and provide important avenues for the special needs population in Wichita to not only gain life skills but also have a more fulfilling life. Throughout this summer, I have been fortunate enough to gain important professional skills as well as develop a deeper passion for serving those with special needs in a variety of ways.
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    Camp Pocono Trails 2011: counseling at a weight loss camp
    Strathe, Gretchen
    Summer 2011 was a life changing experience, not only for the four hundred adolescents struggling with their weight, but also for me, a camp counselor and nutritionist at Camp Pocono Trails. During my stay at camp, I witnessed a population-wide cry for help. The campers not only needed physical help to keep their weight in check, but many were also dealing with psychological issues, such as eating disorders, anxiety and depression. Over two month course at camp, I became part of a support system for an entire division of teenage girls, ages sixteen to nineteen, as they developed both physically and mentally. An absolutely incredible and humbling experience.