Cattlemen's Day, 1971

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of beet pulp pellets fed steers wintering and finishing rations
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Arehart, L.A.; Banbury, Evans E.
    Sugar beet by-products are available to cattle feeders in northwestern Kansas, but their value as livestock feed is not known. In 1967-68, steers fed liquid protein concentrate beet pulp pellets (LPC) in wintering rations gained faster (1.96 vs. 1.24 lb. per day) than steers on similar amounts of alfalfa hay. Then on finishing rations, gain per day favored alfalfa-fed cattle (2.58 to 2.25 lb. per day). In 1968-69, there was no significant difference between beet pellets and alfalfa, but 5.0 lb. LPC beet pellets reduced feed consumption and daily gains compared with results from rations involving alfalfa (wintering 1.33 to 1.19 lb. per day; finishing 2.5 to 2.14 lb. per day). Last year, Colby Experiment Station evaluated dried molasses-beet pulp pellets in wintering and finishing rations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Tenderometer as a tool for evaluating beef tenderness
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Tuma, H.J.; Allen, Dell M.; Dikeman, Michael E.
    Numerous instruments have been developed to objectively measure tenderness, an important eating characteristics of beef. The Kramer shear press and Warner-Bratzler shear show the best relationships to taste panel tenderness scores. However, shear values of raw muscle are poorly correlated with shear value of cooked meat. An instrument that could be used in the beef cooler an raw carcass muscle to predict tenderness of cooked meat would be valuable.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Simmental-Hereford cross calves
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) McKee, M.; Schalles, R.R.; Zoellner, K.O.
    Data on nine Simmental-Hereford cross calves (3 bulls and 6 females) from birth to 6 months of age was reported in Bulletin 536. The three bulls shared conditions with three Hereford, four Angus, and one Shorthorn bull. The six cross heifers grew with three Hereford, three Angus, and two Shorthorn heifers.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Winter nutrition for cows
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Schalles, R.R.; Drake, C.L.; Kiracofe, G.
    Cow productivity on four supplemental winter feeding levels were compared over 2 years. Cattle were grazed on native bluestem year round. Cows calved between February 15 and May 5. Only records (104) of cows that raised a calf in the year considered were used in this report. Cows averaged 3.3 years old at birth of calves. Rations fed are given in Table 25 referred to as group 1, 2, 3 and 4. Cows received the same ration each year. Cows were allotted to 4 groups and rotated among four approximately equal pastures so each group remained in each pasture an equal t:ime. Calves were weighed at birth and cows and calves were weighed each month. During the first year, cows were rectally palpated each week after calving until the first heat to determine time of ovulation and uterine size.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Comparison of Biuret and soybean meal for wintering cows on bluestem pasture II. Effect on birth and weaning weight of progeny
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Thyault, H.A.; Harbers, L.H.; Smith, E.F.
    During the winter of 1969-70, 48 five-year-old cows were divided into three groups to compared soybean meal with biuret as a winter supplement in combination with sorghum grain (Bulletin 536, 1970, p.33). Soybean meal supplemented cows gained 31 lbs. each during 4 months while biuret-fed cows lost 15 lbs. each. Cows fed sorghum with biuret in a separate mineral mix (fed free choice) lost 62 lbs. each.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Starea, urea and soybean meal compared in wintering rations for cows on bluestem pasture
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Tucker, L.; Harbers, L.H.; Smith, E.F.
    More urea, a torn of nonprotein nitrogen, would be fed to ruminants except for inefficient conversion of urea-nitrogen to Microbial protein, toxicity, lack of palatability and urea segregating in mixed rations. As a supplement for cattle on high-roughage rations, urea should be fed with a readily available energy source for urea nitrogen to be converted to microbial protein by rumen microorganisms. Attempting to overcome some or all of those problems, Bartley and co-workers at Kansas State University (Feedstuffs. 27 Apr. 68; 40:9) developed an expansion-processed mixture of grain and urea (Starea).We tested Starea and soybean meal as protein supplements for beef cows grazing dry bluestem pasture during the winter.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Feedlot performance and digestibility of beef steers fed steam flaked, popped, reconstituted and dry rolled sorghum grain
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Yauk, D.O.; Drake, C.L.; Schalles, R.R.
    Because most finishing rations contain a high proportion of grain, better processing of sorghum grain to increase grain utilization should improve ration efficiency. Work in Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Fort Hays has indicated that processing sorghum grain increased digestibility and utilization. This trial compared digestibility and feedlot performance of beef steers fed steam flaked, popped, reconstituted or dry-rolled sorghum grain.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Effect of adding fat to feedlot rations
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) Brent, B.E.; Phar, P.A.; Randle, L.J.; Harbers, L.H.; Allen, Dell M.
    Fat is added to commercial feedlot rations as a concentrated energy source and to reduce dustiness and wear of feed processing machinery. We added fat at varying levels ( 0 to 6% of the ration) to study effects from fat and the influence of a surface-active additive. Two hundred 700-pound steers were allotted to 40 pens of 5 each all fed 135 days on the rations show in Table 12, according to the schedule shown in Table 13.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Feeding value of four different hybrid sorghum grains for finishing cattle
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-17) McCollough, R.L.; Drake, C.L.; Schalles, R.R.; Roth, G.M.; Harrison, K.F.
    Hybrid sorghum grain is the major source of energy in livestock finishing rations in the Midwest. In 1969, 739 million bushels of sorghum grain were produced in the United States and 620 million bushels, or 84% were fed to livestock. Kansas ranked second to Texas, producing 183 million bushels in 1968, or 30% of the quantity fed to livestock. Since hybrid sorghum grains ware introduced in 1956, yield has increased 25%. Because livestock consumes 84% of the sorghum grain produced in the United States, hybrids with superior nutritive value would be advantageous.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Post-weaning performance of calves as affected by longstem hay and method feeding
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-15) Smith, E.F.; Harbers, L.H.
    Three different rations were compared for feeding calves immediately after weaning. Desired is a ration that will reduce weaning stress, produce economical gains, and be easy to feed. The rations are shown in Table 4. Initial weight of the calves was taken at the pasture just before weaning. The calves were transported the same day 8 miles to the Beef Cattle Research Center where they were divided into groups and started on experimental rations.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Control of feed intake in ruminants continuous rumen infusion studies (Project 802)
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-15) Parks, J.C.; Lusby, K.S.; Brent, B.E.
    Since the requirement of animals for net energy for maintenance (NEm) is influenced largely by weight of the animal, feed efficiency and animal performance improve rapidly as feed intake surpasses maintenance requirements. Once that constant “overhead” is satisfied, remaining nutrients are available for growth and production. The object of the study reported here was to see if ruminants are capable of digesting and metabolizing nutrient intakes in excess of what they normally consume. Fistulated sheet were the experimental animals. The basal diet is shown in Table 3. The ingredients were suspended in water, filtered through cheesecloth, held in suspension by continuous agitation, and continuously metered with a peristaltic infusion pump into the rumen, (through the rumen fistula). Continuous infusion was to remove the effect of “meal” eating and to establish constant conditions in the rumen. Animals were adapted to an all-concentrate ration before being switched to the liquid diet.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Voluntary salt intake by feedlot steers
    (Kansas State University. Agricultural Experiment Station, 2011-03-11) Harbers, L.H.; Warren, L.C.
    Because it is a standard practice, adding salt to livestock rations has not received much attention in the past several years. Salt is universally added at 0.5% of the diet, but studies here in the early 50’s showed salt needs of cattle are related to dietary roughage levels.