Economics of calf grower operations in relation to dairy-sourced day-old calf price and feedlot outcomes


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Holstein steers compose 15% of the U.S. beef supply despite several factors that place Holstein feeders at a disadvantage including higher calf mortality than traditional beef breeds. This study examined how to improve overall profitability via mortality reduction at a calf ranch. Reinvestment of profit margins to increase Holstein survivability, specifically by providing incentive for dairies to improve survivability, is worth further study. A cattle owner’s enterprise budget is constructed that uses ten-year average cash prices for live cattle, feed inputs, and yardage fees. The analysis revealed that financial breakeven occurs at a 13.44% calf mortality at the calf ranch, ceteris paribus. Additionally, for each 1.0% decrease in mortality leads to an increase in profitability by $14.45/head. A sensitivity analysis was conducted and revealed that at 10% mortality, a margin of $79.63 exists that can be reinvested, and $7.42 exists at 15% mortality. The cattle owner may increase profits by incentivizing dairies in multiple ways. A pricing schedule that rewards dairies for directly reducing mortality at the calf ranch over a given time frame is the most direct, but the potential income may be inconsequential to dairies. A model that rewards processes at the dairy such as proper colostrum management and sterilization of the calves’ umbilicus provides more consistent treatment across the multiple sources for bull calves. A third option is to combine bonuses and discounts with education for dairy maternity crews.



Calf Price, Feedlot, Agricultural Economics, Profitability, Holstein

Graduation Month



Master of Agribusiness


Department of Agricultural Economics

Major Professor

Dustin L. Pendell




