"Jane Hale Ticket" Electronic Resource Access Resolution Workflow



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In August of 2017, the K-State Libraries Strategic Leadership Committee charged the electronic resources librarian with developing a visual for electronic resource access resolution through its ticketing system. The Committee sought greater understanding of the staffing needs and competencies required for this procedure. This workflow addresses these concerns as they relate to EZ Proxy, the Alma unified resource management system, Primo (the discovery layer locally branded as "SearchIt") and Primo Central, as well as vendor services. The workflow is organized as an entity relationship diagram as library services are provided on and off campus.

Tested by Katrina Beaudoin, Katrina Lynn, Mary Bailey, Marjorie Devlin, Julie Bell, and Christina Geuther.


Citation: Geuther, C. (Aug 30, 2017.) "Jane Hale Ticket" Electronic Resource Access Resolution Workflow.


Electronic resources management, Link resolution, Electronic resource access, Workflow, Jane Hale
