Application of the asymptotic solution to EM field scattering problem for creation of media with prescribed permeability



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Scattering of electromagnetic (EM) waves by many small impedance particles (bodies), embedded in a homogeneous medium, is studied. Physical properties of the particles are described by their boundary impedances. The limiting equation is obtained for the effective EM field in the limiting medium, in the limit a→0, where a is the characteristic size of a particle and the number M(a) of the particles tends to infinity at a suitable rate. The proposed theory allows one to create a medium with a desirable spatially inhomogeneous permeability. The main new physical result is the explicit analytical formula for the permeability μ(x) of the limiting medium. The computational results confirm a possibility to create the media with various distributions of μ(x).



EM wave scattering, Permeability, Modeling results
