A case study in applying generalized linear mixed models to proportion data from poultry feeding experiments



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Kansas State University


This case study was motivated by the need for effective statistical analysis for a series of poultry feeding experiments conducted in 2006 by Kansas State University researchers in the department of Animal Science. Some of these experiments involved an automated auger feed line system commonly used in commercial broiler houses and continuous, proportion response data. Two of the feed line experiments are considered in this case study to determine if a statistical model using a non-normal response offers a better fit for this data than a model utilizing a normal approximation. The two experiments involve fixed as well as multiple random effects. In this case study, the data from these experiments is analyzed using a linear mixed model and Generalized Linear Mixed Models (GLMM’s) with the SAS Glimmix procedure. Comparisons are made between a linear mixed model and GLMM’s using the beta and binomial responses. Since the response data is not count data a quasi-binomial approximation to the binomial is used to convert continuous proportions to the ratio of successes over total number of trials, N, for a variety of possible N values. Results from these analyses are compared on the basis of point estimates, confidence intervals and confidence interval widths, as well as p-values for tests of fixed effects. The investigation concludes that a GLMM may offer a better fit than models using a normal approximation for this data when sample sizes are small or response values are close to zero. This investigation discovers that these same instances can cause GLMM’s utilizing the beta response to behave poorly in the Glimmix procedure because lack of convergence issues prevent the obtainment of valid results. In such a case, a GLMM using a quasi-binomial response distribution with a high value of N can offer a reasonable and well behaved alternative to the beta distribution.



Generalized linear mixed models, GLIMMIX, Quasi-binomial distribution, Beta distribution

Graduation Month



Master of Science


Department of Statistics

Major Professor

Leigh W. Murray




