Scholarly Communication: Science Librarians as Advocates for
Elizabeth C. Turtle
Science Librarian
State University
Manhattan, KS 66506
Martin P. Courtois
K-State Research Exchange
Information Technology Assistance Center
Kansas State
Manhattan, KS 66506
Copyright 2007, Elizabeth C. Turtle and Martin P. Courtois. Used with
Science librarians are in a unique position to take a leadership
role promoting scholarly communication initiatives and to aid in making
scientific information more accessible. This article outlines steps and
identifies resources that science librarians can employ to become scholarly
communication advocates on their campuses.
The trend in dramatically rising subscription costs for
scientific, medical, and technological (STM) journals began more than 30 years
ago, and for some time was seen primarily as an economic issue. Prices rose, for
some titles more than 20% per year, and library budgets remained flat. No
science librarian escaped the hard decisions and difficult choices each time
serial cuts and cancellations were mandated.
As this trend dragged on, it gave birth to a broader set of issues beyond
serial prices. What we once saw as purely a "journal" crisis became to be
viewed, in a broader context, as a crisis in scholarly communication. We began
to realize, particularly as new online communication and distribution channels
developed, the problem was not only economic, but encompassed a complex set of
issues that includes legislation, public policy, authors rights, institutional
repositories, access to scholarship, and new publishing models.
The current focus on these issues is crucial to science librarians for a
number of reasons:
- journals remain critical to the research and teaching of science faculty;
- science journals remain the most costly;
- science faculty continue to publish extensively in subscription-based
commercial and society journals;
- science faculty pursue grant funds from federal agencies that result in
peer-reviewed publications to disseminate the research;
- tenure/promotion of science faculty depends to a large extent on journal
It is our view that the range of issues being addressed under the umbrella of
scholarly communication offers tremendous opportunity to expand access to
scientific information. As science librarians, it is important for us to be
familiar with these issues, and able to act as scholarly communication advocates
and agents for change at our institutions. With that goal in mind, the authors
will outline steps and identify resources that science librarians can employ to
be informed, prepared, and most importantly, committed to work with faculty and
administrators to change the landscape of scholarly communication.
Steps to Scholarly Communication Advocacy
Become Familiar with the Issues
Scholarly communication encompasses a
wide range of topics, and it is important for science librarians to have a good
grasp of the issues. The recent article "Scholarly Communication: Turning Crisis
into Opportunity" traces the evolution of scholarly communication and identifies
sources for additional information (
Stemper & Williams
2006). Web sites below are useful for tracking current developments and
exploring specific aspects of scholarly communication.
- Create Change
- Provides resources and tools for libraries to use and adapt in order to
facilitate discussions with faculty and administrators
- Provides the latest information on SPARC publisher partners and key
industry developments that have an impact on scholarly communication.
- ARL Summer Brown Bag Discussion Series: Issues in Scholarly
- Six guides that provide discussion questions and resources as a starting
point to holding discussions with library staff and faculty.
- ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit
- Designed to support advocacy efforts and provide information on scholarly
communication for librarians, faculty, and campus administrators. Contains
talking points on various scholarly communication issues.
- SHERPA-RoMEO Project
- Provides brief summaries of self-archiving policies from over 300 journal
- OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories)
- Directory of over 900 repositories worldwide. Search and browse by
geographic area, subject, content type, and software platform.
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Covers more than 2,700 free, full-text, quality-controlled scientific and
scholarly journals. More than 800 of these journals are also searchable at the
article level.
- Libraries and Scholarly Communication, University of California
- A good example of what a large university library system is doing to
promote scholarly communication. Includes a case study on creating and
implementing a scholarly communication program and outreach toolkits with
talking points.
Make it Part of Your Job
Include some aspect of scholarly communication
in your annual goals, and work toward making it part of your position
description. At the University of Minnesota Libraries, scholarly communication
responsibilities are included in the position descriptions of librarians in
addition to the usual elements of reference, collection development, instruction
and liaison (
2007). Consider these responsibilities:
- Educate and inform faculty, graduate students, and campus administrators
about scholarly communication issues.
- Help faculty and graduate students to understand their rights as authors
- Contribute content to copyright and/or scholarly communication web
- Advocate for sustainable models of scholarly communication
- Support and promote the Institutional Repository on campus:
- Help administrators, faculty, and students understand the role of the IR
in building and preserving digital collections
- Work with faculty and departments to promote the IR as an open access
- Assist in content recruitment; Identify digital resources that require
long-term preservation and merit sustained access
Be a Role Model
Librarians are typically more familiar with scholarly
communication issues than teaching faculty and administrators and are poised to
take a leadership position to put scholarly communication ideals into practice.
Yet, in a 2005 survey of ten academic research libraries, it was found that
library faculty authors don't always practice what they advocate to their
university colleagues. "When asked if they considered copyright and intellectual
property policies when selecting a journal for article submission, 50 percent of
the respondents indicated that their only concern was to have the article
published." Only 12 percent indicated that they archived their articles in an
institutional repository (
Carter et al 2007).
Serve as a role model for others by incorporating these practices:
- Publish your scholarly work in open access journals. Open access journals
are peer-reviewed journals that provide free online access to their articles.
Currently, there are 78 open access journals listed under Library and
Information Science in the Directory of Open
Access Journals. Check out other subject areas as well.
- Retain or negotiate your copyright by employing Creative Commons licensing or the SPARC Author Addendum. The Science
Commons has also created the Scholar's Copyright Addendum
Engine which generates a PDF form that can be attached to a publisher's
copyright agreement to ensure that certain rights are retained.
- Self-archive your scholarly work in your campus institutional repository
or a disciplinary repository, such as E-LIS, the International Archive for
Library and Information Science. Check OpenDOAR, the Directory of Open Access
Repositories, for other possibilities.
Hold Focus Groups
Faculty focus groups are an excellent forum in which
to discuss scholarly communication, and will help to identify which issues are
most important to your faculty. Focus groups are best done with no more than
five to six faculty who are known to have a strong interest in the library or in
scholarly communication issues. At Kansas State University, 90 minute sessions
are planned that include a short overview of the issues. A facilitator asks
prepared questions, but faculty are encouraged to talk and discuss issues
freely. You will learn a lot about how faculty view the scholarly communication
system, and they in turn, learn from each other.
Question High-Cost Journals
Identify the high-cost journals in your
discipline and determine if high quality open access journals are available as
substitutes. Consider cancelling journals whose high costs cannot be justified.
Alternative Publisher Partners and the
Directory of Open Access Journals for journal
titles that are published as alternatives to high-cost journals and are freely
available or lower cost. Many have citation rates and impact factors that are
equivalent to or better than their commercial counterparts. Determine if any
open access science journals are being published or edited on your campus. If
so, the editor will likely be a strong ally in promoting scholarly communication
issues at your institution.
Encourage Faculty to Publish in Open Access Journals
Encourage your
library to subsidize faculty/researcher publishing in open access journals or
hold institutional memberships that enable publishing at reduced cost. Many
libraries hold institutional memberships to BioMed Central or the Public Library
of Science, or subscribe to publications such as the
Proceedings of the
National Academy of Science (PNAS) that offer discounts on author
publication fees as a benefit of membership. Find out if your library holds
these memberships. If these are available on your campus, publicize this
information on a prominent web page and talk to your faculty to let authors know
about these benefits. Talk to the library dean or director to suggest that the
library offer subsidies for publication fees in order to encourage authors to
publish in these journals.
Support New Publishing Models
Many university libraries now offer
electronic publishing as part of their scholarly communication services. Suggest
that the library publish books, conference proceedings, digital collections or
open access journals. Is there a role your library can play in supporting a
local open access publisher? Are there special science collections that could be
digitized or preserved? Have you explored opportunities to package and
disseminate science collections? This involves much collaboration with faculty
and library staff and the development of low cost, scalable operations to
implement. See the
SPARC list
of journal management software and other publishing resources for more
Stay Current
Read, follow and support government and private initiatives
that require open, public access of research publications, especially those that
are a result of federally-funded research. To stay current, read the
SPARC Open Access Newsletter
published monthly by Peter Suber. Some examples of recent initiatives include:
- A policy by the National Institutes of Health in 2005 strongly requested
that all peer-reviewed articles based on NIH-funded research be deposited in
PubMed Central. Recently, the Senate Appropriation Committee approved a bill
that would strengthen the NIH policy from a request to a requirement. Full
Senate approval is still needed.
- The bipartisan Federal Research Public Access Act of 2006 (FRPAA) was
introduced by Senators Cornyn and Lieberman. The bill required that
peer-reviewed articles resulting from research funded by the ten largest
federal research funding agencies be made publicly available within six months
of publication. The bill did not pass, but is expected to be introduced again
this year.
- The Howard Hughes Medical Institute announced that effective January 2008
it will require its scientists to publish their research articles in
scientific journals that allow the articles and supplementary materials to be
made freely accessible in a public repository within six months of
Develop Your Pitch
Focus on a couple of issues that are important to
your faculty and have a two- to five- minute "elevator speech" prepared when you
happen to see them on campus. You might talk about open access journals that are
available in their discipline, why they should retain or negotiate their
copyright, or reasons why they should archive their work in the institutional
repository. Keep it short and concise, and demonstrate some clearly defined
benefits to them.
Attend the ARL/ACRL Institute on Scholarly Communication
is an intense 2 1/2-day immersion program where you will gain essential training
to become an effective advocate for scholarly communication. Participants during
the first three institutes (July 2006, December 2006, July 2007) have included
teaching faculty, vice provosts, associate and assistant university librarians,
IT professionals and librarians of various titles including 27 science
librarians. The expected outcomes of the institute include:
- increase your knowledge of scholarly communication issues;
- learn about available resources regarding open access, copyright,
advocacy, new publishing models, and repositories;
- learn about faculty roles and successful strategies for engaging faculty;
- start initial planning for a local program for faculty outreach and
campus-wide programming. (Brown 2007).
Scholarly communication encompasses a wide range of issues,
and represents a set of traditions and practices that extend back hundreds of
years. At the same time, new views on scholarly communication offer hope for
increased access to the results of scientific research and an end to the journal
crisis that has affected science libraries for decades. Science librarians are
in a unique position to help promote new publishing practices among faculty, and
to serve as agents of change at their universities. The change will not come
quickly or easily, but there are definite steps science librarians can take now
to move forward on scholarly communication initiatives.
Brown, Mitchell. 2007.
ARL/ARCL Institute on Scholarly Communications: Workshop Report.
Library Hi
Tech News 1:17-18.
Carter, Howard, Carolyn A. Snyder, and Andrea
Imre. 2007. Library Faculty Publishing and Intellectual Property
Issues: A Survey of Attitudes and Awareness. Portal: Libraries and the
Academy 7(1):65-79.
Stemper, Jim and Karen Williams. 2006.
Scholarly Communication: Turning Crisis into Opportunity. C&RL News
67(11): 692-696.
Williams, Karen. University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, MN. Personal communication, 2007.