Underground crop production or the economic relation of micro-organic life in the soil, to crops



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Introduction: The subject of crop production is one of almost unlimited importance, we might even say, supremely so; for as the sage and historian tells us, a nations prosperity is inseparably linked with the prosperity of its producing masses- the people. But they say more; that this foundation of prosperity rests with the farming classes; and we will not deny it, because our educational system has made them the best informed class of people on earth; and their constant communion with nature, instead of the perverted desires of the inhabitants of our great business centers, has given to them an integrity of purpose and honesty of intention, that has made the farmer ion his farm, a king. Considering as settled, the proud position of the farm and the farmer, let us come to the consideration of the subject of crop-production.


Citation: Mitchell, Robert Bertice. Underground crop production or the economic relation of micro-organic life in the soil, to crops. Senior thesis, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1898.
Morse Department of Special Collections


Micro-organic Life, Nitrifying Processes, Ferments, Bacterium
