Seasonal Occurrence of Coelophore saucia (Col.: Coccinellidae) and Its Predation Rate on Aphid


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Laboratory studies and field observations on the life history and predation efficacy of Coelophore saucia on aphids were carried out from 1980 to 1987 in Yangzhou. C. saucia had 5-6 generations a year and overwintered in the adult stage. The accumulative development temperature and the initiating temperature for the development of egg, larva , pupa and a complete life cycle (egg -adult) was found to be 41.1 day-degrees (DD) and 12.4?, 138.8DD and 8.9?, 53.6DD and 11.8?, and 243.3DD and 9.9? respectively. The developmental rate varied with the different prey the predator consumed. The duration of larval and pupal stage was 10.4 days when preying on Aphis pomi, 11.9 days on A. glycines, and 13.9 days on A. robiniae. Predation by the adult stage accounted for 92% of the total predation in a generation. The fecundity was 213 -1290 eggs per female adult. The occurrence of the predator population was found to be synchronized with the phenology of the prey.
Originating text in Chinese.
Citation: Dai, Zhiyi. (1990). Seasonal Occurrence of Coelophore saucia (Col.: Coccinellidae) and Its Predation Rate on Aphid. Bulletin of Biological Control, 6(3), 113-115.


Coelophoresaucia, Aphid, Control
